Oct 31, 2022
Happy Halloween! To celebrate the spookiest day of the year, we returned to Springwood once more to journey into Freddy's Nightmares. And because it's Halloween, we picked an episode... that has nothing to do with Halloween and barely features the titular Freddy. What it does feature, though, is an alcoholic professor,...
Oct 17, 2022
On this very special episode, we're joined by friend Christy Admiraal to discuss her favorite episode of her favorite television show: Boy Meets World's slasher movie homage And Then There Was Shawn. We talk scary janitors (who might actually be ghosts), our history with school detention, and celebrity heights.
Oct 3, 2022
Last time we discussed nightmare man Freddy Krueger, and this week we're turning our attention to another nightmare man: Tim Allen. Today on the podcast we're discussing one of the many Home Improvement Halloween episodes: "A Night to Dismember." Youngest son Dark Mark and his goth friend Ronnie just wants to make...