Mar 29, 2019
We're putting the random selection on hold this month in order to bring you a perfect March Madness dog movie tie-in: Air Bud! Enjoy this teaser clip, then head over to and sign up for as little as $3/mo to get this and a bonus Predict-O-Cast...
Mar 28, 2019
We close out our coverage of Night of the Dribbler, one of the worst dumb comedies we've ever seen. Seriously, who is this movie for? We talk more Fred Travalena (he's the worst), more bad jokes (and one pretty decent joke), and why Beckula isn't a vampire in the movie. Also, turn that stereo down!
We now have a...
Mar 25, 2019
We close out March Madness this week with Night of the Dribbler, a movie that so desperately wants to be funny but is clearly going to be a slog. In our discussion of the first 10 minutes, we talk decapitated heads, The Claw, and Fred Travalena. We also take a stroll through the film's IMDb keywords section and discover...
Mar 18, 2019
We're dribbling through March Madness Month! On this week's mini, we reveal the title of next's week film and workshop a beautiful, devastating documentary about a man peeing off an overpass.
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