Dec 29, 2017
In this special holiday bonus mini episode, Skinner's daughter Holly gives her thoughts on the films we watched this month!
Dec 28, 2017
Gena from the Kill by Kill podcast joins us to wrap up Dog Cainmas to discuss The Three Dogateers, a Christmas movie that forgets it's a Christmas movie for at least half its runtime. This movie's got it all: bizarre commercials featuring Santa Claus, an insane dog catcher, Dean Cain singing to a jelly donut...
Dec 26, 2017
Skinner reacts to the insane trailer for upcoming dog-returns-from-the-dead-to-help-his-owner-get-married film Best Friend From Heaven, while Josh laughs along gleefully.
See the trailer for yourself here:
Dec 25, 2017
In this special Christmas bonus, we take a visit to Pottersville, the new film that's taking the internet by storm. How did they get such a stacked cast to appear in this Hallmark knockoff? Why do some of these jokes feel like they're at least three years too old to be in a current comedy? Is the idea of furries really...
Dec 21, 2017
We reveal the title of our final Dean Cainmas film and reveal the guest who will be joining us to help decipher the absolute stupidly certainly contained within. We can't wait!