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A podcast about all things weird (but mostly weird, obscure TV shows).

Feb 28, 2019

To kick off Predict-O-Cast Season 3, we decided to tackle the third films in a series we know nothing about.

We close out our Month of Threes with the second part of our discussion on Ring of Fire III: Lion Strike. After an amazing start, we lose a little steam but there are still plenty of insane car crashes,...

Feb 27, 2019

We're back to pick another dog movie to watch over on Patreon. If you want to hear our thoughts (and you definitely do), head over to You'll be glad you did. 

We now have a Patreon!

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Feb 25, 2019

To kick off Predict-O-Cast Season 3, we decided to tackle the third films in a series we know nothing about.

This week we're discussing Ring of Fire III: Lion Strike, the third in Don "The Dragon" Wilson's kickboxing doctor action series. The first seven minutes of this movie alone might be the most action-packed film...

Feb 22, 2019

The 2019 Academy Awards are almost upon us, and Josh and Skinner are back to pick their winners. In an effort to speed things up this year, they're going with their guts and blurting out the first choice that comes to mind! Will this improve their picks? Who knows? Watch along on Sunday to see which host picked the...

Feb 21, 2019

In this month's Patreon-exclusive episode, we cover Allegiant, the third (and final) entry in the Divergent series. 

Enjoy this teaser clip and listen to the entire episode over at