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A podcast about all things weird (but mostly weird, obscure TV shows).

Jan 31, 2019

While Holly and Skinner are on hiatus this month, they've asked some  friends to stop by and host the show in their place. 

On this month's Predict-O-Cast, Jr, Mitzi and Phil drop in to discuss the 2017 Swedish family film Cloudboy.

Phil hosts a ton of podcasts. Check out Deep in Bear Country, It's Del Toro Time, and

Jan 28, 2019

While Josh and Skinner are on hiatus this month, they've asked some of their friends to stop by and host the show in their place. 

This week, Morgan and Mike from Bad Reception talk about the 1988 haunted house film Twice Dead.

Find their podcast wherever you listen to podcasts or at

We now...

Jan 25, 2019

In this month's Patreon-exclusive episode, we cover the 1971 Disney classic Bedknobs and Broomsticks. 

Enjoy this teaser clip and listen to the entire episode over at

Jan 21, 2019

While Josh and Skinner are on hiatus this month, they've asked some of their friends to stop by and host the show in their place. 

This week, Spencer and Joel from High and Low: A Kurosawa Podcast talk about the 1982 Bud Spencer action-comedy (for kids?) Banana Joe

Find their podcast wherever you listen to podcasts or...

Jan 17, 2019

On the first Hot Diggity Dog selection episode of 2019, we pick out the movie we'll be watching over on Patreon. If you want to hear our thoughts (and you definitely do), head over to You'll be glad you did. 

We now have a Patreon!

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